MS Word Shortcuts

Shortcuts for MS Word

  1. Ctrl + N
    • Create a new document.
  2. Ctrl + O
    • Open an existing document.
  3. Ctrl + S
    • Save the current document.
  4. Ctrl + P
    • Open the Print dialog to print the current document.
  5. Ctrl + C
    • Copy the selected text or object.
  6. Ctrl + X
    • Cut the selected text or object.
  7. Ctrl + V
    • Paste the copied or cut text or object.
  8. Ctrl + Z
    • Undo the last action.
  9. Ctrl + Y
    • Redo the last undone action.
  10. Ctrl + A
    • Select all content in the document.
  11. Ctrl + F
    • Open the Find dialog to search within the document.
  12. Ctrl + H
    • Open the Replace dialog to find and replace text.
  13. Ctrl + B
    • Apply bold formatting to the selected text.
  14. Ctrl + I
    • Apply italic formatting to the selected text.
  15. Ctrl + U
    • Apply underline formatting to the selected text.
  16. Ctrl + L
    • Align the selected text to the left.
  17. Ctrl + E
    • Center the selected text.
  18. Ctrl + R
    • Align the selected text to the right.
  19. Ctrl + J
    • Justify the selected text.
  20. Ctrl + M
    • Increase the indent of the selected paragraph.
  21. Ctrl + Shift + M
    • Decrease the indent of the selected paragraph.
  22. Ctrl + T
    • Create a hanging indent.
  23. Ctrl + Shift + T
    • Reduce a hanging indent.
  24. Ctrl + D
    • Open the Font dialog box to change the font and font size.
  25. Ctrl + Shift + F
    • Change the font.
  26. Ctrl + Shift + P
    • Change the font size.
  27. Ctrl + 1
    • Set single line spacing.
  28. Ctrl + 2
    • Set double line spacing.
  29. Ctrl + 5
    • Set 1.5 line spacing.
  30. Ctrl + Enter
    • Insert a page break.
  31. Ctrl + K
    • Insert a hyperlink.
  32. Ctrl + Home
    • Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.
  33. Ctrl + End
    • Move the cursor to the end of the document.
  34. Ctrl + Backspace
    • Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
  35. Ctrl + Delete
    • Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
  36. Ctrl + Shift + C
    • Copy the formatting of the selected text.
  37. Ctrl + Shift + V
    • Apply the copied formatting to the selected text.
  38. Ctrl + Spacebar
    • Remove character formatting.
  39. Ctrl + Shift + N
    • Apply the Normal style.
  40. Ctrl + Alt + 1
    • Apply the Heading 1 style.
  41. Ctrl + Alt + 2
    • Apply the Heading 2 style.
  42. Ctrl + Alt + 3
    • Apply the Heading 3 style.
  43. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S
    • Open the Styles task pane.
  44. F7
    • Check spelling and grammar.
  45. Shift + F7
    • Open the Thesaurus.
  46. Ctrl + Shift + A
    • Format all letters as uppercase.
  47. Ctrl + Shift + K
    • Format all letters as lowercase.
  48. Ctrl + Shift + L
    • Apply the List Bullet style.
  49. Ctrl + Shift + F12
    • Print the document.
  50. Alt + Ctrl + F2
    • Open the Open dialog box.

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